How Often Should You Replace Your Windows?

How Often Replace Windows The technology used to manufacture windows has significantly improved over recent years, and newer windows tend to last much longer than older ones. In fact, most vinyl or fiberglass windows come with a lifetime warranty. Windows that were manufactured decades ago, however, simply don’t have the same degree of longevity and may need to be replaced when they begin showing signs of aging. Windows contribute greatly to both the curb appeal and energy efficiency of your North Dakota home.  In order to ensure that they are operating at peak efficiency, you should be aware of the following warning signs that it is time to replace your windows.

Constant Drafts

When you walk by your windows, do you feel a draft? This can be an indication that the seal on your window is no longer properly functioning, common byproduct of an aging window.


Some windows will warp over time due to the extreme fluctuation in temperatures that often happen in the area. This can cause air leaks, which make your HVAC unit work harder and can cost you extra on your power bill.

Visual Signs of Aging

It’s often plain to see the peeling and chipping that happens to old windows. And, if you always keep your home spic and span, that kind of eyesore can be a real bother.

If you decide that it is indeed time to replace your windows, turn to The Window & Door Store. We proudly offer incredible fiberglass windows to residents throughout North Dakota, and we would be delighted to help you improve your home and add you to our ever-growing list of satisfied customers. Contact The Window & Door Store today for a free consultation.